Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Publication ethics play a crucial role in the realm of scholarly scientific research publishing, as they are instrumental in establishing trust and confidence within the research community. All key players involved in the publication process, including authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers, hold significant responsibility in upholding ethical standards. By adhering to these standards, the authenticity and originality of published work can be greatly enhanced.

This publication strictly follows the guidelines set by COPE to ensure publication ethics.

 The Essential Roles and Responsibility of an Editor

  1. The Editorial Board is composed of experts in their respective fields and is led by the Editor-in-Chief. This governing body holds the ultimate authority in the entire publication process. The Editor-in-Chief serves as the final decision-maker in determining whether a submitted manuscript aligns with the journal's scope. Thus, they have the power to either consider or reject the manuscript at the entry/submission stage.
  2. The publisher establishes the publication policies, and the entire editorial board operates in accordance with these policies. However, the publisher must also adhere to national and international publication standards regarding copyrights and ethical practices concerning animal, human, and environmental rights. In case of conflicts or violations, a legal cell is available to resolve such issues. After evaluating the manuscript's relevance, originality, and novelty, the editor must assign it for review. Editors are responsible for forwarding the manuscripts to reviewers and should follow the recommendations provided by the reviewers when deciding whether to accept or reject the manuscript for publication. It is crucial for the editor to remain impartial and fair in the selection of reviewers and to keep the identities of the authors confidential to avoid any bias. The editor must conduct a transparent assessment of the manuscript's originality to detect any plagiarism. This should be done using appropriate and universally accepted software tools to ensure objectivity and avoid personal bias. The editor's decision to accept or reject the manuscript should be based on the comments and recommendations of the reviewers. In performing their editorial duties, the editor must disclose any conflicts of interest they may have to maintain fairness and impartiality. If there are any personal, institutional, or financial conflicts of interest, the editor should refrain from making decisions related to the manuscript. Additionally, the editor must respect the author's consent and not disclose any unpublished material from the manuscript without permission.
  3. The editor must follow the publisher's style when proofreading and formatting the manuscript, working with the author to ensure compliance.
  4. The editor must ensure that the manuscripts adhere to the publisher's policy on information disclosure.

Reviewer's Duties and Obligations in Upholding Publication Standards

  1. The role of the reviewer is of utmost importance in the review process as it significantly contributes to the overall quality of the manuscript, ultimately determining its publication or rejection. By providing critical analysis and suggestions, the reviewer, who should be an expert in the relevant field, enriches and enhances the value of the manuscript.
  2. It is essential for the reviewer to act as a truthful referee when evaluating the quality of the manuscript. Their judgment should be based on an objective assessment, ensuring that the manuscript meets the required standards. To achieve this, reviewers must stay updated with the latest developments in their area of expertise, enabling them to provide valuable insights and recommendations.
  3. The qualifications and expertise of the reviewer play a vital role in maintaining high review standards. Therefore, it is crucial for reviewers to disclose their abilities and limitations when assessing a manuscript. Additionally, reviewers should adhere to deadlines and submit their reviews in a timely manner, as the publishing industry operates on strict timelines. By doing so, they contribute to the efficiency of the publication process and avoid unnecessary delays.
  4. Reviewers must refrain from reviewing manuscripts if they have any competitive, collaborative, institutional, or personal conflicts of interest with the authors and publisher involved.

Navigating Publication Ethics: The Author's Roles and Responsibilities

  1. The author plays a pivotal role in the entire publication process, as they take the initiative to explore innovative research areas that can be considered for publication. Their enthusiasm in seeking novelty and their dedication to maintaining originality are key factors that contribute to the highest standards of research and publication.
  2. It is essential for authors to demonstrate a strong commitment to ethical practices while conducting their research and documenting it in the form of a manuscript. This includes adhering to principles of originality and providing thorough acknowledgments of the sources of information used in their writing.
  3. It is crucial for authors to understand that any form of contempt or violation of copyrights is considered a criminal offense. Therefore, authors must refrain from such acts by obtaining prior permission from the copyright holder before publishing any material. Additionally, authors must declare that the manuscript they submit is unpublished, original, and not under review by any other publisher. They also bear the responsibility for any violations that may occur, and any disputes can be addressed in accordance with international publication laws and norms.
  4. It is important to note that submitting a manuscript that partially or entirely overlaps with previously published material is considered duplication. Authors should avoid submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals, as this practice goes against international copyright laws, ethical conduct, and the efficient use of resources to ensure the originality of the manuscript. Manuscripts that violate these principles are liable to be rejected.
  5. Authors must exercise caution when including images, pictures, and figures in their manuscripts. Any usage of copyrighted images should be duly acknowledged or used with prior permission. This ensures that the authors respect the intellectual property rights of others and maintain the integrity of their own work.
  6. Lastly, it is important for authors to understand that research cannot be conducted without citing various sources of information. However, authors must refrain from engaging in citation manipulation, which involves artificially increasing the number of citations for a given author. Such practices are not only unethical but also undermine the integrity of the research process.
  7. In cases where the final results of a manuscript are found to be manipulated or falsified through fabricated experiments or data, such actions are considered as falsification or fabrication. It is imperative that the authors mentioned in the manuscript have contributed significantly to the research work and have adhered to the claims made within the document. Recognition of the individual contributions of all authors, including students and laboratory technicians, is essential for transparency and accountability. 8. Authors are required to disclose any financial interests or collaborations that could potentially lead to bias in the submitted work, whether directly or indirectly. It is crucial for authors to acknowledge any funding or institutional support received during the research process. Transparency regarding financial matters helps to maintain the integrity of the research and ensures that the work is free from any undue influence.
  8. Maintaining confidentiality is paramount when it comes to protecting the identities of patients involved in clinical studies. Revealing names, pictures, or any other identifying information can compromise the privacy of participants and goes against established research norms. Prior informed consent from patients participating in clinical experiments is essential, ensuring that they are fully aware of any potential consequences or side effects before undergoing any procedures. Additionally, authors must obtain approval from regulatory bodies when research involves animals, humans, or bio specimens, and include a statement on ethics approval in the Methods section of the manuscript. Being proactive in addressing criticism and making necessary corrections post-publication is also a responsibility that authors must uphold to maintain the credibility of their work.

 Publisher Integrity and Accountability/ The Publisher's Code of Ethics

  1. The publisher must prevent legal issues by overseeing all content in print and digital formats.
  2. Publishers must follow international standards and ethics, declare their publication policy, regardless of the model.
  3. Publishers should address plagiarism or copyright issues with the editor in chief promptly.
  4. Any errors in a published manuscript require a clear erratum from the publisher.
  5. Publications violating ethical standards must be retracted by the publisher.
  6. Authors should be treated equally by the publisher, without discrimination.
  7. Publishers must ensure users have access to published material as per journal policy.
  8. Collaboration with organizations/institutions is necessary for proper circulation and preservation of research.