Effectiveness of Self Learning Material on Practices of Community Health Workers Related to Behavior Change Communication (BCC) for Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Care


  • Laxmi




Self learning material, Behaviour change communication, Auxiliary Nurse and Midwives


Introduction: Introduction: As per WHO, the global estimates for the year 2017 indicate that there were 295
000 women died during and following pregnancy and childbirth however most could have been prevented.
Behavior Change Communication (BCC) is one of the most cost effective ways of targeting the issues of RCH
care. There is a need to sensitize the Auxiliary Nurse and Midwives (ANMs) regarding the benefits of adopting
a systematic BCC intervention (RMNCH+A in India 2013).
Objective: To assess effectiveness of Self learning material (SLM) on practices of ANMs regarding BCC for
RCH care.
Method: The quantitative research approach evaluative in nature and One group pretest and repeated post-test
research design to assess the retention of learning among 94 study sample after reading the SLM was used for
present study. Researcher developed SLM as an intervention of study with learning objective to describe the
process of Behaviour Change Communication and related role of ANMs for RCH care and got validated by 21
subject experts. Structured questionnaire as an assessment tools consisting items on reported practices related
to providing need based relevant information during RCH care, selection of audience and use of various BCC
approaches and methods on selected RCH care component was developed and got validated by 21 subject
experts. Pre-test assessment of 94 In-service ANMs (ISAs)selected from 16 health units of Delhi was done using
validated tool, SLM was introduced using group discussion method followed by reading at own pace of study
sample . Post test-1 assessment was done after one month of introducing SLM then assessment for post test -2
was done after three months to assess the retention
Result and Conclusion: Findings shows that most of the In-service ANMs 61(64.9%) scored below 50% marks
in pre test assessment done before reading the SLM . It reveals that ISAs had inadequate practices regarding BCC for RCH care. However after reading the SLM majority of ISAs 89(94.7%) and 56(59.6%) scored more than 75% marks in post test-I and II respectively. Finding revealed that SLM was significantly effective to enhance the pre-test mean practice score from 51.05 to 99.25 and 86.90 in post test-I and II respectively (p < .001). Discussion: In congruence to the findings of present study it was revealed by Novick, (2009), that target people for MCH care desired comprehensive and relevant information to clear their doubts, and enable them take
informed decisions similarly, the women in study of Bridgit Omowumi(2013) et.al mentioned issues about which they wanted more information.

Author Biography

  • Laxmi

    Assistant Professor, School of Health Sciences Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Delhi


