A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Swine Flu (H1N1) among Navodaya High School Children, Raichur, Karnataka


  • Dasharath V Naik




H 1N 1, Swine influenza virus,School Children,Nursing.


Background- Swine flu (H1N1) 2009 influenza is a global pandemic affecting 168 countries and overseas territories/communities including India. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding Swine Flu (H 1N 1) among high school children. Methods. A total of 60 students were recruited from selected high school. The knowledge of the sample was assessed by using a structured self-administered questionnaire with the help of questionnaire of 34 items on swine flu.

Results- The overall knowledge mean score in pre test was increased from 15.13.99 to 22.354.15 in post test. The mean score of the post test was 7.3 (SE D=0.417) with paired‘t’ value of 17.5. Conclusion- The post test knowledge score of high school students was not significantly associated with selected demographic variables like Age, sex, Religion, family monthly income, type of family, educational background of parents, and source of information. It was observed that 21 participants (35.00%) had high knowledge followed by 31 respondents (51.67%) with average knowledge and 8 respondents (13.33%) obtained low knowledge.


